Tuesday 28 May 2013

English Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Writing practise book: Essential revision and practise: Levels 2 – 4

Written to support the new National Curriculum for English Key Stages 1 and 2; English Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Writing Practise Book is a complete English study programme for this stage. Developed from experiences of teaching my own children and that gained from many years of teaching whole class, groups and individuals, included activities have been carefully selected to engage and enable easy access for all learning styles.

Essential features of the book include ongoing revision and quick check exercises which aid learners in identifying areas for further work; each chapter comprises a reading text, related reading comprehension questions and exercises, grammar, spelling, punctuation and writing composition. There is a full coverage of English word classes, correct markers and complete literary genre both in the reading text and the writing composition exercises.

This book will enable all learners of English to do so in a fun and practical way. Those learning English as an additional language will find the easy to understand texts invaluable as an aid to easy comprehension of the teaching and learning tasks. Adults without specialist knowledge of the different areas of English will find the book helpful in addressing this.

Parents wishing to support their children’s education at home will find this book beneficial.

This book is also ideal for Private Tutors’ needs.

As an all in one book, this book provides good value for money.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday 27 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P4)                          

In my writing I am able to:

·        Make marks and symbols on paper or computer.

·        Draw, paint or make mark on paper.

·        Sometimes, I can give meaning to the marks I have made.

·        Recognise which materials make marks.

·        I can listen to and join in with stories and poems.

·        Tell different sounds apart.

·        Communicate with others using isolated words and phrases.

·        Use hand and eye coordination in activities e.g. use a pair of scissors to cut along a dotted line.

·        I have some control in my letter formation.

Monday 26 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P5)

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can invent symbols, signs and meaningful print to represent my name and familiar objects, words and actions.

·        I can invent symbols, signs and meaningful print to represent words and actions.

·        I can copy under or over a model provided for me.

·        Help an adult complete a sentence when scribing for me.

·        Draw lines and circles.

·        Start or continue and complete a pattern.

Saturday 24 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P6)

In my writing I am able to:

·        Tell the difference between letters and symbols

·        I can invent writing to communicate my ideas.

·        I can produce some recognisable letters

·        I can write the first letter of my name

·        I can hear some letter sounds in words.

·        Tell an adult what to write when scribing for me.

·        I can use book or story language e.g. once upon a time.

Friday 23 November 2012

W Levels descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P7)                       

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can use letters, symbols and words to represent some nouns I know.

·        I know many more nouns.

·        I can put words together to make sentences orally.

·        I can write my own name correctly.

·        I can hear the first sound in words and write these correctly.

Thursday 22 November 2012

W Levels descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:
Level W (P8)  

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can begin to write different types of writing e.g. list and a story.

·        I can use single letters or groups of letters to represent whole words in my writing.

·        I can form simple sentences.

·        I can leave spaces between words in my writing.

·        I can attempt to use punctuation marks in my writing e.g. full stop.

·        I can say what my writing means.

·        I can use upper case and lower case letters correctly when writing my own name.

·        I can hold a pencil correctly to form recognisable letters.

·        I can use my phonics knowledge to spell some simple words correctly e.g. can.

·        I can use my phonics knowledge to attempt to spell more complex words e.g. ‘laf’.