Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday 27 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P4)                          

In my writing I am able to:

·        Make marks and symbols on paper or computer.

·        Draw, paint or make mark on paper.

·        Sometimes, I can give meaning to the marks I have made.

·        Recognise which materials make marks.

·        I can listen to and join in with stories and poems.

·        Tell different sounds apart.

·        Communicate with others using isolated words and phrases.

·        Use hand and eye coordination in activities e.g. use a pair of scissors to cut along a dotted line.

·        I have some control in my letter formation.

Monday 26 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P5)

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can invent symbols, signs and meaningful print to represent my name and familiar objects, words and actions.

·        I can invent symbols, signs and meaningful print to represent words and actions.

·        I can copy under or over a model provided for me.

·        Help an adult complete a sentence when scribing for me.

·        Draw lines and circles.

·        Start or continue and complete a pattern.

Saturday 24 November 2012

W Level descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P6)

In my writing I am able to:

·        Tell the difference between letters and symbols

·        I can invent writing to communicate my ideas.

·        I can produce some recognisable letters

·        I can write the first letter of my name

·        I can hear some letter sounds in words.

·        Tell an adult what to write when scribing for me.

·        I can use book or story language e.g. once upon a time.

Friday 23 November 2012

W Levels descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:

Level W (P7)                       

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can use letters, symbols and words to represent some nouns I know.

·        I know many more nouns.

·        I can put words together to make sentences orally.

·        I can write my own name correctly.

·        I can hear the first sound in words and write these correctly.

Thursday 22 November 2012

W Levels descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:
Level W (P8)  

In my writing I am able to:

·        I can begin to write different types of writing e.g. list and a story.

·        I can use single letters or groups of letters to represent whole words in my writing.

·        I can form simple sentences.

·        I can leave spaces between words in my writing.

·        I can attempt to use punctuation marks in my writing e.g. full stop.

·        I can say what my writing means.

·        I can use upper case and lower case letters correctly when writing my own name.

·        I can hold a pencil correctly to form recognisable letters.

·        I can use my phonics knowledge to spell some simple words correctly e.g. can.

·        I can use my phonics knowledge to attempt to spell more complex words e.g. ‘laf’.

W Levels descriptors

Writing performance descriptors for Kindergarten, Early Years and Reception classes:
Here are some targets to help you move onto to level 1c:

ΓΌ Talk about something you have just done.

ΓΌ Tell a story to match pictures in a book.

ΓΌ Make up a story and use puppets or pictures to tell it to someone.

ΓΌ Act out a story with your friends and show this to your class.

ΓΌ Use upper and lower case letters to write your name.

ΓΌ Write words that you know like names of objects.

ΓΌ Copy and complete lots of patterns.

ΓΌ Copy writing that you can see in your classroom or at home.

ΓΌ Every day, write a list, a message, a story or a letter.

ΓΌ I will practice what I want to write before I begin to write it.

ΓΌ I will leave spaces between each word I write.

ΓΌ I will try to read my writing back to an adult.

ΓΌ I will try to make sure that all my letters are formed properly so that other people can read them.

ΓΌ I will try to make all my letters the same size.

ΓΌ Every day, I will draw different types of lines using pencils, and felt tip pens.

ΓΌ Learn to spell some common words from the 45 Reception list correctly; about 2- 5 every week.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Level 1 descriptors

Level 1 c

In my writing:

·        Most of my writing is invented.

·        I can use symbols and letters to convey meaning to others.

·        I sometimes need to read back some of my writing before others can understand it.

·        I can write letters others can recognise.

·        Some of my letters can sometimes be too big or too small.

·        Some of my letters may face the wrong way.

·        I can use capital letter to begin a sentence.

·        I sometimes put full stops in the wrong places in the sentence.

·        I can spell three letters words correctly.

·        I try to use my phonics knowledge to spell longer words.

·        I sometimes place letters in the wrong places on the page.

Level 1 descriptors

Here are some targets to help you move onto to level 1b: I will

ΓΌ Practice saying what I want to write, before I write it.

ΓΌ Try to write out my ideas so that others know what I am trying to say or mean.

ΓΌ Read back my work as I write to make sure that it makes sense.

ΓΌ Use my knowledge of phonics to stretch the sounds in the words I need to write.

ΓΌ Write the sounds in the order in which I hear them in the word.

ΓΌ Use full stops to end or close my sentences.

ΓΌ Make sure my letters are the same size when I form them.

ΓΌ Remember which letters sit on the line and which stand on the line.

ΓΌ Remember which way letters face.

ΓΌ Write from left to right.

ΓΌ Use my little finger to separate the words as I write.

ΓΌ Write captions and labels for diagrams.

ΓΌ Learn how to form and write questions about things I want to find out about.

ΓΌ Learn to spell some common words from list 2 (the medium frequency words) correctly.

ΓΌ  Learn to spell 2-5 words correctly each week.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Level 1 descriptors

level 1 b

In my writing:

·        Others can understand most of what I have written.

·        I can structure simple sentences to use in my writing.

·        Most of my writing is made up of simple sentences.

·        I can use finger spaces to separate words in my writing.

·        I know I must use full stops to end my sentences but I don’t always put them in the right places.

·        My writing shows why I am writing or the topic I am writing about.

·        I can use story language to structure my story.

·        I can spell all 45 most common words for Reception Year correctly.

·        I can spell all cvc and cvcc words correctly and make a good attempt at longer words.

·        I spell most of my words using my phonetic knowledge.

·        I can form most of my letters correctly.

Level 1 descriptors

Here are some targets to help you move onto to level 1a: I will

ΓΌ Practice saying what I want to write, before I write it.

ΓΌ Keep reading my writing back to myself to make sure that it makes sense.

ΓΌ Think carefully about the words I use so that my writing makes sense.

ΓΌ This will help me to make sure that others can read and understand my writing.

ΓΌ Try to think of at least one really good idea to use in my writing.

ΓΌ Write about one or two characters in my story.

ΓΌ Include where my story takes place (the setting).

ΓΌ Try to begin new sentences with a capital letter.

ΓΌ Leave finger spaces between words.

ΓΌ Put a full stop at the end of my sentences.

ΓΌ Remember to stop at full stops when I am reading back my writing or when I read aloud.

ΓΌ  Learn to spell some common words from list 2 correctly; spell 2-5 words correctly each week.

ΓΌ Make sure that my letters are formed correctly and facing the right way.

Monday 19 November 2012

Level 1 descriptors

level 1a

In my writing:

·        Others can understand my writing without me reading it for them.

·        I write simple sentences only.

·        My writing consists of repeated simple sentences.

·        My writing is more like spoken language than written language.

·        I write for myself and do not show awareness of the reader.

·        I can use only one capital letter and one full stop correctly in my writing.

·        When I write, I stretch out the sounds in each word so that I am able to write them in the order in which they occur in the word.

·        I can spell most common words from the first 100 words list correctly.

·        I am beginning to spell more complex words correctly.

·        I can remember some visual patterns in word spelling e.g. ‘all’ etc and words that sound the same but are spelt differently e.g. ‘it’ and ‘eat’.

·        I can form all my letters correctly.

Level 1 descriptors

Here are some targets to help you move onto to level 2c: I will

·        Practice saying what I want to write, before I write it.

·        Make the beginning of my writing interesting so that the reader wants to read more.

·        Make sure others can read my writing without me.

·        Include more than one idea and more than one character in my writing.

·        Write about three or more sentences about each idea in my writing.

·        Stretch the sounds in the words I need to write so that I can spell it correctly.

·        Remember to use capital and full stops in most of the sentences in my writing.

·        Write the personal pronoun ‘I’ with a capital letter.

·        Use my spelling list to check any words I am unsure of.

·        Learn my spelling patterns so that I can write words I am not sure of correctly.

·        Check that I have not used capital letters in the middle of sentences.

·        Check that I have left spaces between the words in my sentences.

·        Begin to join my simple sentences together using connectives like ‘and’, ‘but’ ‘then’.

·        Use simple descriptive language to say more about nouns or verbs e.g. adjectives and adverbs e.g. It is a rainy day. Alex ran fast.

·        Write simple instructions that others can understand and follow.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Level 2 descriptors

Level 2c

In my writing:

·        I use more than one sentence to communicate my idea.

·        I can attempt to use story form in my narration.

·        I can attempt to recount events in the right order.

·        I know I am writing for an audience and write with this in mind.

·        My ideas are developed in short sections.

·        I choose and use appropriate words to the topic, sometimes with good effect.

·        My sentences are structured like speech.

·        I repeat pronouns and simple verbs too much.

·        I sometimes join my simple sentences with the connectives ‘and’ and ‘then’.

·        I can use capital and full stops to punctuate more than one sentence in my writing.

·        I can spell more common words from the first 200 most common words.

·        I make phonetic attempts at spelling words I do not know.

·        I form my letters correctly, sometimes with a flick.